Sunday, March 25, 2012

C4T#3 Hadley J

Maps and Games

In the beginning of Hadley's blog post, she explains that her class is learning about the Mongol Empire. Her main focus was learning about where the Mongolians lived. First, she started off with Map Maker Kits. Next, the students worked on Jigsaw Puzzles. The students enjoyed putting the puzzles together with the timer because it was like a game. In the end of the class, the students felt like Hadley was just "filling" time because it was the day before Spring Break. However, they gained some important skills like becoming familiar with Geography, determination, finding connections, and resiliency.

In my comment I explained that I was a student in training to become a teacher. I also said that I enjoyed her ideas about learning Geography.

It's Always In the Eyes!

In this blog post, Ms. Hadley expresses her joy of being acquainted with passionate teachers. There is a certain light in his or her eyes when describing what he or she is doing in the classroom. She goes on describing a teacher named Liliana that she met at a conference. Liliana teaches second grade at a bilingual school. Liliana started with a love of science. While attending college, she took an education course. This education course drove her to a teaching career where she still remains committed.

In my comment I expressed my enjoyment of her blog post and my wishes that I too hope to be a passionate teacher as long as I am able.

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