Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blog Post #9

Don't Lose Touch

The blog post "Don't Lose Touch" was posted in January 2010

In this blog post, Mr. McClung speaks about communication between teachers. There are teachers that observe their co-workers and discuss different techniques and tools that each teacher uses so that new and useful ideas are spreading for the benefit of others. Other teachers, however, stick to their routine and do not wish to be bothered with how they teach their children. Mr. McClung discusses the benefits of teacher-to-teacher communication. These benefits include staying passionate about teaching by encouraging and "pumping up" other teachers, excelling as a new teacher because of advice from more experienced teachers, and finally, practicing what we preach-why should students work together if the teachers can't even accomplish this?

I'm glad I read this blog post of Mr. McClung. I am the type of person that would easily find a routine and stay tuned with how I teach. This idea of branching out and seeking advice from other teachers seems to be a smart way to go about things.

What I Learned This year

The first thing Mr. McClung discusses in his 2011 reflection blog post is to not be concerned with what people think of you. Teachers' focus should be on the students instead of trying to please others. Next, he discusses how not everyone is as excited about change as he is. He encourages others to be optimistic instead of saying, "This will never work." Mr. McClung has also learned that it's okay to be an outsider-don't worry, he's an outsider in a good way. Lesson #3: Don't do all the work for the student, let them do some of the work. Finally, don't get comfortable. It's easy to get into a routine, however, teachers must stay passionate about what they do, not get lazy.

Everything that Mr. McClung had to say in this blog post was what I needed to hear and be reminded of. I think that I would have the problem of doing all the work for the student. This is a great reminder that even though the teacher can do it better, the student still has to learn.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Blog Post #8

This Is How We Dream

It is amazing how the times have changed as far as writing goes. One of the first things I thought while watching this movie is that we really are going green. There will hardly be a use of paper anymore. In the video, Miller starts describing the incremental changes that are occurring with technology. He gives the example of when he wrote an article for the AAUP just by using the internet instead of the library. He also says that since he published his article online, it now lives forever. The second incremental change he talks about is the benefits of networking. It's much easier to collaborate with people no matter where they may be.

In the second part of the movie, Miller starts by saying that this new technological material is continually changing and updating before our eyes. The material also allows a person to compose what they will. He says that the limitations and restrictions are ones that we put on ourselves. As for as fundamental changes, Miller says that publication falls in this category. A way that people are composing is with the web itself. Miller talks about a man named Jonathan Harris who uses the web as a source of art and education. Harris had an idea of creating an education building with Humanities and the Sciences together. He introduces the thought of a new Humanities In the end, he says that we should share these ideas, that belong to no one, with the world.

I enjoyed his ideas about this way of education. Of course, we have already heard of some of these ideas earlier on in EDM310, but this video adds on a little more. I'm sure college students would appreciate online textbooks because it's less weight and cheaper. It's also better getting a project done by using online resources because it's more time efficient and costs less money most of the time. I visited Jonathan Harris's website and it truly is remarkable. We need more unique things in this world. It's to see someone that doesn't necessarily copy ideas. I still don't understand his building project idea completely, but I'm sure it would be great anyhow.

Carly Pugh's Blog Post #12

What a writer!! Carly definitely shows her passion for writing and teaching through her blog post. I noticed some similarities between her blog and Dr. Miller's video on multimedia. For starters, both are advocating the use of technology. Carly suggested that a Youtube playlist about teaching should be made while Dr. Miller explained the development of technology as the sole material for students. Dr. Miller somewhat describes the multimedia that Carly is "assigning". Her assignment is quite extensive, however, it seems productive and useful.

Jamie's Videos

Both of the videos that Jamie Lynn was featured in were just what I needed to see. Procrastination is my middle name pretty much. I will definitely work on my time management. I thought that Jamie's excuses were pretty comical when she was talking to Dr. Strange. It's difficult for me to do well in this class because I've been given things too easily in my lifetime. I think I will take what I've learned from these two videos and teach it to my students.

Scavenger Hunt 2.0

1) Social network- is a fun social network that can connect the students, teachers, and parents. It looks fun a creative, unfortunately, it's not free

Book Trailer

C4T#3 Hadley J

Maps and Games

In the beginning of Hadley's blog post, she explains that her class is learning about the Mongol Empire. Her main focus was learning about where the Mongolians lived. First, she started off with Map Maker Kits. Next, the students worked on Jigsaw Puzzles. The students enjoyed putting the puzzles together with the timer because it was like a game. In the end of the class, the students felt like Hadley was just "filling" time because it was the day before Spring Break. However, they gained some important skills like becoming familiar with Geography, determination, finding connections, and resiliency.

In my comment I explained that I was a student in training to become a teacher. I also said that I enjoyed her ideas about learning Geography.

It's Always In the Eyes!

In this blog post, Ms. Hadley expresses her joy of being acquainted with passionate teachers. There is a certain light in his or her eyes when describing what he or she is doing in the classroom. She goes on describing a teacher named Liliana that she met at a conference. Liliana teaches second grade at a bilingual school. Liliana started with a love of science. While attending college, she took an education course. This education course drove her to a teaching career where she still remains committed.

In my comment I expressed my enjoyment of her blog post and my wishes that I too hope to be a passionate teacher as long as I am able.

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Progress Report 1 PLN

Just started with Symbaloo. Everything I use regularly is already on the PLN. I like the simplicity of the tile format. The News updates are great!. I'll continue to personalize!

Project 9b

Blog Post #7

Wendy Drexler: The Networked Student

In this video, the idea of connectivism is presented. What is connectivism? It is a theory that presumes that learning occurs as part of a social network of many diverse connections and ties. The student in the works on a project based on connectivism. First, he makes a personal learning network. Next, he finds valid websites on his topic. After he finds a useful website, he puts it onto his social bookmarking sight. Next, the student looks at other people's blog on the subject. If he sees that he is more informed, then he will write on the person's blog the information he has found. Also, the student blogs on his own website what he has learned. Next, the student dowloads podcast from worthy professors onto his ipod for listening. Later, he comes across a documentary relating to his project topic. He then calls the filmmaker and arranges a Skype interview between the class and the filmmaker. Sounds like a great project!

At the end of the video, it  mentions what the teaching does in this situation. The teacher is more of a mentor. She helps the student establish learning network, pick the right from wrong, helps him filter information, communicate properly, and also helps organize the information. It doesn't even sound like a teacher anymore. In this situation, the student is still the learner but the internet is the teacher.

There are some things I like and dislike about this situation. If the teacher only has the irresponsibility of doing the duties that were stated above, then there would be hardly any point for them to go to college. All they would have to do is take a class on how to be a good mentor. Eventually, the only people who would contain and teach information would be professionals of that particular study. If all schools used this method, would it put too much work on the student? What would the curriculum look like? What it be a success?

Project # 8 Podcast

Project # 8 Podcast

Thursday, March 8, 2012

C4T#2 Kim Cofino

Are You a Tech Pilot?

In this blog post, Kim talks about different strategies to help teachers with technology. The first section ,"YIS Tech Pilots", is Kim's first strategy. Kim wants to get some technology learned teachers in the school together for meetings during school time. The sessions are designed for teachers to interact and come up with ideas that use the school's resources, develop globally collaborative projects with other schools, and create a blended learning environment through their blogging portal. The second section, "Wired Work Day", is about Kim's way to answer teachers' questions about technology when they're really limited for time. Since the walk is a little far for hurried teachers, Kim has set up a central classroom for three periods a week where teachers can come to learn. The third section, "Faculty Meeting Tech Tips", talks about meetings that teachers must attend that thoroughly teach basic technological skills that are required. The fourth section, "Final Thoughts", summarizes Kim's hopes for her plans for teachers.

In my comment I commented on her obvious passion for technology and that I thought she had great ideas for helping teachers.

On My Way to Work

In this blog post of Kim's is a collection of pictures of her commute to work in Japan. She included descriptions to tell the audience know what's going on. The commute she had was very beautiful. There were a lot of trees and great scenery. I love the idea of telling a story with pictures. I'm glad she posted this on her blog.

In my comment, I said that her commute was very beautiful and that I loved her ideas and hope to incorporate some of them in the classroom when I'm a teacher.

A Picture in Kim's Commute

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Blog Post #6

Randy Pausch's Last Lecture

The name is what it is. This video is the lecture of Randy Pausch's last lecture before he dies. First, he talks about his childhood dreams which include being in zero gravity, playing in the NFL, Authoring an article in the World Book encyclopedia, being Captain Kirk, winning stuffed animals, and being a Disney Imagineer. Most were achieved except the playing in the NFL and being Captain Kirk. However, he did play football and he met the actor who played Captain Kirk. In this video he speaks about how he achieved his dreams and the fun details about how he got there.
When talking about his time playing football, Randy says that he coach was tough on him. Randy said, "When you see yourself doing something badly and no one's bothering to tell you anymore, that's a very bad place to be." It was a good thing that his coach was tough on him because that meant he cared. I've actually experienced this before in my life. I would go home and ask my parents why my voice teacher was harder on me than the other students. They told me that it was a good thing that my teacher was hard on me. I ended up getting more solos in the end.
Randy spoke about his challenge of becoming a Disney Imagineer. When faced obstacles he says, "Brick walls are there for a reason: they let us prove how badly we want things." I never thought about a rejection in life the way he did. He found the positive in what most what only see the negative. Randy also says that how you say things is very important. There's a big difference between saying something with an opened mind and a closed mind.
Some other words of advice he proclaims is to never end the child like wonder, help others, and of course, have fun! He also didn't set a bar for his students. By doing that they were able to achieve much more than if he put a limit to their learning. During the video, Randy stay so positive! He did express good life lessons but I hope he learned the best one.

Randy Pausch

Saturday, March 3, 2012

C4K Summary for February

Sela in New Zealand

Sela's blog post was about her trip to the beach with her family. I mentioned that I thought her name was pretty and that someday I would like to visit New Zealand. I shared a link to a picture of Gulf Shores and remarked on the importance of family time. In closing, I left a link to my blog and told her to share any cool pictures of New Zealand.

Keenan in Spirit Lake Iowa

In his blog post, Keenan said that he was reading the first Harry Potter book. I said that I have family in Iowa. I also said that the 7th book is my favorite and that I'm planning on visiting the Wizarding World of Harry Potter in Orlando, FL.

Sean in British Columbia, Canada

Sean told an exciting tale in his blog about a mysterious book that a woman read that eventually lead to her death. It was pretty exciting. He should have expanded the story and given more detail. I said that I enjoyed reading it. I also said that I haven't written any stories lately, but I love to read them.

Sarah 10th Grade History

It was a shock to me to get a high schooler. Sarah wrote a beautiful article about Napoleon. At the end of her post she asked her audience's opinion of whether Napoleon was a noble leader or a jerk. I told her that I was not a history wiz, but to my understanding, Napoleon was a jerk. I also said that great leaders are not always good ones. In fact, out of all the leaders in history, there was only one that was good.

Blog Post #5

Scott McLeod

In Mr. McLeod's blog post, he is telling people to keep children away from the computer and cellphones. He does mention sexting, cyber bullies, and porn. However, at the end he says that his kids that use technology will be ahead of everyone else's. About midways through Mr. McLeod's blog post, I wasn't sure if he was being sarcastic or not. However, it is very clear at the end where he stands on the issue. In my comment that I left for him I said that there's no way that parents, teachers, and etcetera can keep children away from the evil in this world. Even without technology there are bad things occurred. Children are having kids, there are still bullies in school, and creepy members in the family are still molesting. The best thing to do in this situation is to encourage technology use but with caution. I believe if we educate them on the cause and effects of the choices they make on the web, they will make decisions that they won't regret later.

Travis Allen

In the first video, Travis Allen speaks about his idea about using the itouch in school. The itouch replaces textbooks, maps, paper, writing utensils, and much more! In the second video, It shows Travis three years later and what all was accomplished with his ischool idea so far. While watching Travis's first video, I was thinking that instead of the itouch, the school should have a class set of the ipad because the ipad has a bigger screen. I was glad to see that in the second video, children were doing math on a tablet.
I thought that Travis's idea was really bold and smart. I thoroughly enjoyed his presentation and agree with what he said. Hopefully, text book companies won't try to make schools buy new editions every two years like they make college students. It's wonderful that the school would save a lot because of the savings from not using ink, paper, crayons, and ectetera. Maybe some of that money can go towards the underpaid teachers ; )
There are so many different ways the classroom could be improved just by this idea of Travis's. Like the idea about using podcasts so that students can see what happened in class if they missed. If a teacher had to miss a day, who needs a sub? She can just skype with her students in the classroom. I'm sure there are several more creative ideas out there for the ischool. It would be fun to teach with the limitless ideas!

Eric Whitacre's Virtual Choir - 'Lux Aurumque'

What a wonderful experience! In this video, there were almost 200 choir participants singing from their personal computers! Even the conductor was there virtually. They sang a beautiful Latin song without flaw. Better yet, they never even met or practiced in person! I actually sang that song in my choir at Faulkner State Community College. Singing virtually makes rehearsing a lot easier in some ways because of travel and time issues. Technology is pretty cool : )

Teaching 21st Century Students

First, I must say that this video was a little too long and busy to me, but it was still beneficial. I agree with the idea that teachers can help the students skills when it comes to accessing the internet. However, I think some subjects like math should still be taught personally. Some of these ideas might be a little too advanced for the grade levels that I plan to teach. Also, some things like Twitter seem irrelevant or not as important to a lot of careers.
Different materials for education were compared-paper vs. technology. Also the concept of engagement vs. entertainment. This video seems to go well with the technology theme for this class. I think this new concept will be ingrained in my brain.

Reading Rockets

This educational website seems to be very useful for teachers, students, and principals, and librarians. However, it's main audience appears to be teachers. The website is easy to use and has many teaching/learning strategies and tools for reading. I will definitely take this website into consideration for my teaching career!
The ABC's of Teaching Reading will be great to starters. If there are still students struggling then the Helping Struggling Readers tab should be beneficial. If I needed any ideas for reading materials then I could click of the Children's Books and Authors tab. This website is great for all stages of reading!

Time Toast Project